Aristotle Was Wrong: Why "The Purge" Is The Most Important Film of the Year
An analytical look at how The Purge presents the morality of violence.
The Fallen Kingdom Is Our Own: Jurassic Park Confronts the Rise of Trumpism
An essay on the political themes of Jurassic Park: Fallen Kingdom in the wake of the 2016 election.
History of Film: Apocalypse Now
A retrospective look at one of the greatest war movies after made.
History of Film: Back to the Future
A look back at the classic time travel flick.
How "The Purge" Learned To Stop Worrying And Love The Violence
An exploration of how the Purge movies eventually became what they criticized.
Ouch, My Balls! The Philosophy of Crank: High Voltage
A look at gender roles and video-game culture in Crank: High Voltage.
Reality Bites: In Defense of Kick-Ass
In which I argue that Kick-Ass is pro-women, pro-art, and pro-America.
Tony Stark Is A Villain: How the "Iron Man" Films Subvert Traditional Views of the War on Terror
An essay exploring the political themes of the Iron Man trilogy.
Why "13 Hours" Respecting The Troops Doesn't Make It Good
A look at how 13 Hours functions as imperialist propaganda.
Why Rian Johnson's "Looper" Is Really A Subversive Anti-Violence Film
What the time-travel thriller has to say about the myth of redemptive violence.